Summer is here and you may be counting the days until you head to the mountains or the beach for a few days of R&R. Remember, your home security shouldn't be on vacation as well. You may have adequate home insurance protection, but there are things you can do to help protect your property and keep your insurance premiums at a minimum. Let's look at six ways protect your home while on vacation.
1. Don't post your vacation plans on Facebook
Wait until you get back from vacation to tell the world where you went and how long you stayed. If a professional burglar finds that you will be gone for two weeks, that's just an open invitation for theft.
2. Secure sliding doors
The locks on most sliding doors aren't very sturdy. If your sliding doors lead to a deck or patio, a burglar could have easy access to your home and personal property. Make sure you lay a security bar made of sturdy wood or metal in the track of the door before you leave.
3. Don't hide keys outside your home
Any burglar already knows that people hide house keys under door mats and flower pots. If someone must have access to your home while you are gone, hand them the key in person.
4. Make arrangements for mail and newspapers
The post office will probably hold your mail for a week if you ask. Otherwise, have someone you trust check your mail every day. The same is true with newspapers. Stop delivery for the time you will be gone or have a neighbor pick them up for you.
5. Make sure your house looks lived in
Inexpensive timers installed on various lights and/or radios around the house gives the impression that someone is home at night.
6. Lock up
You would be surprised to know the number of burglaries committed through an unlocked door or window. Before you leave, make sure all doors and windows are properly locked.
It is your responsibility to do everything you can to help protect your home against damage or theft. One of the main factors in determining insurance premiums is the number of claims you file. So, by doing a few simple things to protect and maintain your home, you are also helping control what you pay.
Get the coverage you need. Call Waymon Lynch & Associates at (301) 927-6070 for more information on Hyattsville, MD home insurance.